Here comes Peter Cottontail hoppin’ down ... to The Wharf. That’s right, we have a calendar full of Easter fun planned for you and your cotton-tailed cuties. Check out what’s hop-pening below!

Bunny Hop 5K presented by Pleasure Island Junior Woman’s Club
Saturday, April 5 // 8:30-10 am // Main Street + Wharf Parkway
The Pleasure Island Junior Woman’s Club is hosting the 14th annual Bunny Hop 5K + Fun Run in memory of Ann Reese Grote. Proceeds will benefit the Ann Reese Grote Memorial Scholarship, which is given to a graduating senior at Gulf Shores High School and/or Orange Beach High School who is committed to service within their community. So, come out for a fun run and a great cause, all ages are welcome! Click here to learn more + register today.

Easter Egg Hunt presented by The Island Church
Saturday, April 12 // 11 am // Marina Lawn
Hippity, Hoppity, Easter is HERE! In grand style, Marina Lawn will be speckled with more than 5,000 colorful eggs for youngsters to claim including several golden eggs! A wide variety of free kids’ activities will be offered onsite, including bouncy houses, giant coloring sheets, DJ Matt playing dancing tunes + more. Pony rides + face painting will be available for $10 each. There will be separate age group areas designated for the hoppy hunt: 0-2, 3-4, 5-7 and 8-10. A special section for children that are sensory sensitive or have special needs requiring guardian assistance will be available as well. Kiddos can also cuddle up with live rabbits and snap a photo with the Easter Bunny. It’s going to be one egg-citing event presented by The Island Church.

Easter Photos featuring live bunnies
March 29+30, April 5+6, 12+13, 18+19 // 10 am – 6 pm // The Coastal Alabama Business Chamber office, Suite K6, 1st Floor
Live and fuzzy bunnies are here at The Wharf for professional, keepsake family photos. Young or old, everyone loves a photographic memento to look back upon through the years! Click here for more details.

We hope you all make plans to come out for some fun while celebrating this special season. See you... here!